Distance Learning Solutions
Since 2001
My Portfolio Page
Here are some samples of different types of instructional videos that I have produced.
Promotional / Instructional Video
This is one of many marketing videos that I did with Sungard.
I used a series of tools to produce these videos including:
Screen Capture
Video Capture
On Site HD Audio Recording using internal Sungard talent.
Project Management
Customer How-To Maintenance Video
Chair Side PB Chuck r1
This is a sample of one of a series of HD videos that I produced for Lares Research to provide dentists with chair side product replacement and maintenance instruction to mitigate malfunction and unnecessary returns.
We produced videos in English, Spanish and Japanese.
I directed and produced the videos
I provided the English voice over support
I subcontracted video, language and technical support.
Project Management
Software Instructional Video
This video walks the user through the steps required to create a simple online course using Talent LMS.
It didn't take me very long to produce it and it provided my client with the help needed to quickly move forward!